Design • Multimedia Lesson • 2022
Unreliability of Eyewitness Testimony Learning Design
About Eyewitness News
American jurors place immense weight on the testimony of eyewitnesses. However, perception, memory, and bias can sometimes lead eyewitnesses astray in their identifications. To educate undergraduate students about this complex but critical topic, my team designed a multimedia lesson proposal about the unreliability of eyewitness testimony, exploring how various video clips, images, graphs, and text descriptions could be combined to deliver a high-quality learning experience.
Our narrated walkthrough explores our design and instructional decisions in depth:
For a closer look at the slides, references, and additional resources featured in our video, feel free to explore our slide deck:
Learning Objectives
Using Bloom's Taxonomy, we established learning objectives for our undergraduate students about the unreliability of eyewitness testimony.
Demonstrate the ability to critically examine and reflect upon the reliability of eyewitness testimony in the judicial process.
1. Understand the influence of perception, bias, and memory on the accuracy of eyewitness accounts
2. Critique the handling of eyewitness testimony in a case
3. Generate solutions to rectify the structural issues surrounding eyewitness testimony
Learning Taxonomy:
Bloom's Revised Levels: Understand, Analyze, Apply, Create